55 False Cognates in Spanish That Will Kill Your Conversation
Ever heard of “false friends”? And I don’t mean the pseudo-friends you need to watch out for in your social circle. I’m referring to false cognates!
False cognates are words that look and sound very similar in two languages but don’t have the same meaning. The English-Spanish false cognates on our list are definite “conversation killers” that can hinder or entirely derail the message you’re trying to get across.
For example,
If your friend says to you: estoy constipado. Would you offer them prune juice or cold medicine?
If you’re feeling embarrassed about something silly you did, are you going to tell your Spanish-speaking friend that you’re embarazada?
I hope not!
This list will give you all the tools you need for smooth conversations that don’t get tripped up and weird by confusing false cognates.
Keep reading to learn more about cognates in general with useful definitions, explore our long list of the most commonly-used false cognates in Spanish, and gain the advantage of no longer confusing your listeners with false friends!
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3 Types of Cognates To Know
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of a cognate is “a word that has the same origin as another word, or is related in some way to another word.”
Three categories of cognate exist:
- Perfect cognates
- True cognates
- False cognates
It’s important to learn the difference so that you can make educated decisions on your word choice while talking to other Spanish speakers.
Perfect Cognate
When the meaning, spelling, and sound is identical, as in animal and (el) animal, they’re known as perfect cognates in Spanish. The only difference is in pronunciation.
Other examples include:
- (el) chocolate
- (el) doctor
- (el) error
Read more: 85 Common Spanish Words You Already Know
True Cognate
A true cognate or easy cognate is a word that is “either spelled the same or similar and often sounds alike in both languages.” In other words, it’s near-perfect but not identical.
Think of “action” in English and acción in Spanish.
Both words have similar sound and spelling and they (generally) have the same meaning (acción does mean “action,” but it can also mean “stock” or “share” in financial terms).
Other examples include:
- Fiction – la ficción
- Attraction – la atracción
- Collaboration – la colaboración
False Cognates
And finally, we have the false cognates in Spanish, which are deceptive for appearing to be the same, but have unexpectedly different meanings.
Big List of 55 False Cognates in Spanish
The following 55 most commonly-used false cognates are essential learning for your Spanish studies. Instead of trying to memorize a giant list, go ahead and print this out for later use or enter them into a flashcard app you use to learn with a spaced repetition schedule.
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The list includes the Spanish translation of the English word and examples of the false cognates. Then, you will find the English translation of the cognates words in Spanish and an example sentence using the term. Be sure to listen to the audio so that you can hear the difference in pronunciation as well!
1. Actual — actual
English word: Actual
Spanish translation: Exacto, real
The actual translation is different.
La traducción exacta es diferente.
Spanish word: Actual
English translation: Current
Este es mi número actual.
This is my current number.
2. Pie — pie
English word: Pie
Spanish translation: Pay
This lemon pie is delicious.
Este pay de limón está delicioso.
Spanish word: Pie
English translation: Foot
Me duele el pie derecho.
My right foot is hurting.
3. Carpet — carpeta
English word: Carpet
Spanish translation: Alfombra
I liked this red carpet.
Me gusta esta alfombra roja.
Spanish word: Carpeta
English translation: Folder
¿Has visto mi carpeta?
Have you seen my folder?
4. Rope — ropa
English word: Rope
Spanish translation: Cuerda
Use that rope to tie the boat up.
Usa esa cuerda para amarrar el bote.
Spanish word: Ropa
English translation: Clothes
Diana tiene mucha ropa muy bonita.
Diana has a lot of very nice clothes.
5. Exit — éxito
English word: Exit
Spanish translation: Salida
Where is the exit?
¿Dónde está la salida?
Spanish word: Éxito
English translation: Success
Messi tuvo mucho éxito en el Barcelona.
Messi had a lot of success at Barcelona.
6. Choke — choque
English word: Choke
Spanish translation: Asfixiar
The dust is choking him.
El polvo lo está asfixiando.
Spanish word: Choque
English translation: To crash
Miguel tuvo un choque muy fuerte en el auto.
Miguel had a very strong crash in the car.
7. Grape — grapa
English word: Grape
Spanish translation: Uva
This grape is very sweet.
Esta uva está muy dulce.
Spanish word: Grapa
English translation: Staple
¿Tienes grapas?
Do you have staples?
8. Fabric — fábrica
English word: Fabric
Spanish translation: Tela
I don’t like the fabric of my school uniform.
No me gusta la tela de mi uniforme de la escuela.
Spanish word: Fábrica
English translation: Factory
Monterrey tiene muchas fábricas.
Monterrey has a lot of factories.
9. Record — recordar
English word: To record
Spanish translation: Grabar
I want to record the President’s speech.
Quiero grabar el discurso del presidente.
Spanish word: Recordar
English translation: To remember
Me gusta recordar los días de mi infancia.
I like to remember the days of my childhood.
10. Arm — arma
English word: Arm
Spanish translation: Brazo
I broke my left arm.
Me rompí el brazo izquierdo.
Spanish word: Arma
English translation: Weapon
Las armas pueden ser peligrosas.
Weapons can be dangerous.
11. Lecture — lectura
English word: Lecture
Spanish translation: Conferencia
I’m giving a lecture at the university.
Voy a dar una conferencia en la universidad.
Spanish word: Lectura
English translation: Reading
Me encanta la lectura.
I love reading.
12. Pan — pan
English word: Pan
Spanish translation: Cacerola
There’s food in the pan.
Hay comida en la cacerola.
Spanish word: Pan
English translation: Bread
Voy a la tienda a comprar pan.
I’m going to the shop to buy some bread.
13. Assist — asistir
English word: To assist
Spanish translation: Ayudar
Your work is to assist our customers with their problems.
Tu trabajo es ayudar a nuestros clientes con sus problemas.
Spanish word: Asistir
English translation: To attend
Juan no asistió a clases hoy.
Juan didn’t attend classes today.
14. Realize — realizar
English word: To realize
Spanish translation: Darse cuenta de
I didn’t realize you were here.
No me dí cuenta de que estabas aquí.
Spanish word: Realizar
English translation: To do
Tengo que realizar unos trámites en el Consulado.
I have to do some paperwork at the Consulate.
15. Delight — delito
English word: Delight
Spanish translation: Deleite
Listening to Bob Dylan is a delight.
Escuchar a Bob Dylan es un deleite.
Spanish word: Delito
English translation: Crime
Robar es un delito.
To steal is a crime.
16. Introduce — introducir
English word: To introduce
Spanish translation: Presentar
Let me introduce you to my wife.
Permíteme presentarte a mi esposa.
Spanish word: Introducir
English translation: To insert
Introduzca la tarjeta.
Insert the card.
17. Parent — pariente
English word: Parent
Spanish translation: Padre / madre
See you at my parents’ home.
Nos vemos en la casa de mis padres.
Spanish word: Pariente
English translation: Relative
Miguel es mi pariente lejano.
Miguel is my distant relative.
18. Red — red
English word: Red
Spanish translation: Rojo
Red is my favorite color.
El rojo es mi color favorito.
Spanish word: Red
English translation: Net / network
Carlos olvidó su red de pesca.
Dad forgot his fishing net.
19. Soap — sopa
English word: Soap
Spanish translation: Jabón
Can you buy soap?
¿Puedes comprar jabón?
Spanish word: Sopa
English translation: Soup
A mi hija no le gusta la sopa.
My daughter doesn’t like soup.
20. Compromise — compromiso
English word: Compromise
Spanish translation: Acuerdo
In the end, we reached a compromise.
Al final, llegamos a un acuerdo.
Spanish word: Compromiso
English translation: Commitment / engagement
¿Te gusta mi anillo de compromiso?
Do you like my engagement ring?
21. Contest — contestar
English word: Contest
Spanish translation: Concurso
You can win this contest!
¡Tú puedes ganar este concurso!
Spanish word: Contestar
English translation: To answer, to reply
Answer me!
22. Envy — enviar
English word: To envy
Spanish translation: Envidiar
I envy you.
Te envidio.
Spanish word: Enviar
English translation: To send
Voy a enviar un paquete a Polonia.
I’m going to send a package to Poland.
23. Large — largo
English word: Large
Spanish translation: Grande
That t-shirt is a bit large, don’t you think?
Esa camiseta es un poco grande, ¿no te parece?
Spanish word: Largo
English translation: Long
Mi habitación mide 5 metros de largo por 3 de ancho.
My room is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide.
24. Embarrassed — embarazada
English word: Embarrassed
Spanish translation: Avergonzado(a)
I’m so embarrassed.
Estoy muy avergonzado.
Spanish word: Embarazada
English translation: Pregnant
¡Estoy embarazada!
I’m pregnant!
25. Gracious — gracioso
English word: Gracious
Spanish translation: Cortés
You have to be gracious both in victory and defeat.
Hay que ser cortés tanto en la victoria como en la derrota.
Spanish word: Gracioso
English translation: Funny
Ricardo es muy gracioso.
Ricardo is very funny.
26. Horn — horno
English word: Horn
Spanish translation: Cuerno
That rhino lost its horn.
Ese rinoceronte perdió su cuerno.
Spanish word: Horno
English translation: Oven
Las galletas están en el horno.
Cookies are in the oven.
27. Avocado — abogado
English word: Avocado
Spanish translation: Aguacate
I have an avocado tree in my garden.
Tengo un árbol de aguacate en mi jardín.
Spanish word: Abogado
English translation: Lawyer
Tengo que llamar a mi abogado.
I have to call my lawyer.
28. Parade — pared
English word: Parade
Spanish translation: Desfile
The parade was spectacular.
El desfile estuvo espectacular.
Spanish word: Pared
English translation: Wall
Pinté la pared de mi habitación.
I painted my bedroom’s wall.
29. Diversion — diversión
English word: Diversion
Spanish translation: Desviación
There’s a road diversion ahead.
Hay una desviación del camino más adelante.
Spanish word: Diversión
English translation: Fun
En esta casa, la diversión nunca se acaba.
In this house, there’s always something fun to do.
30. Salad — salado
English word: Salad
Spanish translation: Ensalada
I like salads.
Me gustan las ensaladas.
Spanish word: Salado
English translation: Salty
Este pollo está salado.
This chicken is salty.
31. Signature — asignatura
English word: Signature
Spanish translation: Firma
I need your signature for this contract.
Necesito tu firma para este contrato.
Spanish word: Asignatura
English translation: Subject
Mi asignatura favorita es Geografía.
Geography is my favorite subject.
32. Place — plaza
English word: Place
Spanish translation: Lugar
I feel like I finally found my place.
Siento que finalmente encontré mi lugar.
Spanish word: Plaza
English translation: Square
Vamos a la plaza principal.
We’re going to the main square.
33. Bark — barco
English word: To bark
Spanish translation: Ladrar
My dog loves to bark.
A mi perro le encanta ladrar.
Spanish word: Barco
English translation: Boat, ship
Pasé la tarde a bordo de un barco.
I spent the afternoon on board a boat.
34. Involve — envolver
English word: To involve
Spanish translation: Involucrar
It’s important that parents get involved in their child’s language learning process.
Es importante que los padres se involucren en el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma de sus hijos.
Spanish word: Envolcer
English translation: To wrap
Tengo que envolver el regalo de María.
I have to wrap María’s present.
35. Disgust — disgusto
English word: Disgust
Spanish translation: Asco
Cockroaches disgust me.
Las cucarachas me dan asco.
Spanish word: Disgusto
English translation: Annoyance
Los aficionados expresaron su disgusto con el resultado del juego.
Fans expressed their annoyance with the game’s result.
36. Familiar — familiar
English word: Familiar
Spanish translation: Conocido
That girl looks familiar.
Esa chica me parece conocida.
Spanish word: Familiar
English translation: Family member / relative
No he visto a mis familiares en mucho tiempo.
I haven’t seen my family members in a long time.
37. Mayor — mayor
English word: Mayor
Spanish translation: Alcalde
One day I’ll be the mayor of this town.
Un día seré el alcalde de este pueblo.
Spanish word: Mayor
English translation: Bigger / older
Toño es mi hermano mayor.
Toño is my older brother.
38. Sensible — sensible
English word: Sensible
Spanish translation: Sensato / prudente
That wasn’t very sensible of you.
Eso no fue muy sensato de tu parte.
Spanish word: Sensible
English translation: Sensitive
Tengo la piel muy sensible.
My skin is very sensitive.
39. Success — suceso
English word: Success
Spanish translation: Éxito
My first novel was a great success.
Mi primera novela fue un gran éxito.
Spanish word: Suceso
English translation: Event / incident
Fue un suceso extraordinario.
It was an extraordinary incident.
40. Policy — policía
English word: Policy
Spanish translation: Política
The company’s policy is very clear in that regard.
La política de la empresa es muy clara en ese aspecto.
Spanish word: Policía
English translation: Police
Voy a llamar a la policía.
I’m calling the police.
41. Sin — sin
English word: Sin
Spanish translation: Pecado
Greed is a deadly sin in catholic religion.
La codicia es un pecado capital en la religión católica.
Spanish word: Sin
English translation: Without
Me quedé sin dinero.
I was left without any money.
42. Tramp — trampa
English word: Tramp
Spanish translation: Vagabundo
That character is a tramp.
Ese personaje es un vagabundo.
Spanish word: Trampa
English translation: Trap
Voy a comprar una trampa para ratones.
I’m going to buy a mouse’s trap.
43. Support — soportar
English word: Support
Spanish translation: Mantener / apoyar
You have all my support.
Tienes todo mi apoyo.
Spanish word: Soportar
English translation: To put up with
Estoy cansado de soportar las bromas de mi hermano.
I’m tired of putting up with my brother’s jokes.
44. Once — once
English word: Once
Spanish translation: Una vez
I’ve only been to Africa once.
Solo he estado en África una vez.
Spanish word: Once
English translation: Eleven
Julia tiene once años.
Julia is eleven years old.
45. Recollection — recolección
English word: Recollection
Spanish translation: Recuerdo
I don’t have a recollection of those events.
No recuerdo esos hechos.
Spanish word: Recolección
English translation: Harvest
La recolección de vegetales es un trabajo duro.
Vegetable harvesting is hard work.
46. Grocery — grosería
English word: Grocery
Spanish translation: Comestibles
I’m going to buy some groceries.
Voy a comprar algunos comestibles.
Spanish word: Grosería
English translation: Rudeness
Eso fue una grosería.
That was rude.
47. Ultimately — últimamente
English word: Ultimately
Spanish translation: a la larga / en última instancia
Ultimately, you’ll see I was right.
A la larga, verás que yo tenía razón.
Spanish word: Últimamente
English translation: Lately
No te he visto mucho últimamente.
I haven’t seen you much lately.
48. Library — librería
English word: Library
Spanish translation: Biblioteca
Emilio is studying in the library.
Emilio está estudiando en la biblioteca.
Spanish word: Librería
English translation: Bookstore
Voy a la librería a comprar una novela.
I’m going to the bookstore to buy a novel.
49. Code — codo
English word: Code
Spanish translation: Código
This message is in morse code.
Este mensaje está en código morse.
Spanish word: Codo
English translation: Elbow
José me pegó con el codo.
Jose hit me with his elbow.
50. Bomber — bombero
English word: Bomber
Spanish translation: Bombardero
I want to be a bomber pilot.
Quiero ser piloto de un bombardero.
Spanish word: Bombero
English translation: Firefighter
Mi novio es bombero.
My boyfriend is a firefighter.
51. Advertisement — advertencia
English word: Advertisement
Spanish translation: Anuncio / publicidad
Monica creates advertisements for her job.
Mónica crea anuncios para su trabajo.
Spanish word: Advertencia
English translation: Warning
Esta es mi última advertencia.
This is my last warning.
52. Constipated — constipado
English word: Constipated
Spanish translation: Estreñido
I’m constipated.
Estoy estreñido
Spanish word: Constipado
English translation: To have a cold
María está constipada.
María has a cold.
53. Vase — vaso
English word: Vase
Spanish translation: Jarrón
Who broke grandma’s vase?
¿Quién rompió el jarrón de la abuela?
Spanish word: Vaso
English translation: (Drinking) glass
¿Me sirves un vaso de agua?
Can you pour me a glass of water?
54. Target — tarjeta
English word: Target
Spanish translation: Objetivo
What’s your target market?
¿Cuál es tu mercado objetivo?
Spanish word: Tarjeta
English translation: Card
Tengo que pagar mi tarjeta de crédito.
I have to pay my credit card.
55. Ingenuity — ingenuidad
English word: Ingenuity
Spanish translation: Ingenio
Human ingenuity is amazing.
El ingenio humano es impresionante.
Spanish word: Ingenuidad
English translation: Naivete
La ingenuidad de los niños es enternecedora.
Children’s naivete is touching.
Study These False Cognates and Improve Your Spanish
By learning Spanish, you’re opening your world to talk to more people, as there are 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US—and knowing how to use true and false cognates correctly helps you to connect better during conversations, while you face fewer issues from the language barrier.
Learning these false cognates in Spanish will not only save you from many embarrassing situations, but enhance the quality of your communication!
Do you want to try speaking Spanish in real-time with a real person? Sign up for a free trial class with one of our certified, native Spanish speaking teachers from Guatemala. We teach over 24,000 actively enrolled students every month, offer flexible scheduling, and student-tailored Spanish programs.
Don’t forget! Make sure to download the list PDF of Spanish-English false cognates and study them at home to keep improving your Spanish.
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Decepción doesn’t mean “deception” in Spanish, it means disappointment. The way to say “deception” is “engaño.”
That’s a great example, thanks!
To pretend in English is “make as if” and pretender in Spanish is the same, but is also to aim for something (conseguir also) or to court (cortejar a alguien)