10 Ways To Use ‘Mismo’ in Spanish: Rules and Expressions
The word mismo in Spanish has several uses and meanings. For Spanish learners like yourself, making the distinction can be a challenge, however this gets easier as you advance in your studies.
Learn how to use mismo in Spanish in different scenarios and take your Spanish conversation to the next level with this insightful blog post. Keep reading for 10 ways to use ‘Mismo’ in Spanish.
Meaning of Mismo in Spanish
Mismo in Spanish gives honor to the diversity of the language. It’s tricky because there isn’t always a counterpart in English. Mismo is one of those words with several meanings and ways for you to use it.
It often means “the same” or “similar”. It works as an adjective, pronoun, or as an adverb. The word mismo is also used to add emphasis to a clause. The word mismo can sometimes even work as a noun. Let ‘s take a look.
Mismo as an Adjective
When mismo is used as an adjective, it has to agree with the gender and number. It’s always placed before the noun. Here are some examples.
La misma persona.
The same person.
El mismo carro.
The same car.
Los mismos juguetes.
The same toys.
Mismo as a Pronoun
Mismo replaces a noun when used as a pronoun as long as the noun doesn’t affect the context. Here are some examples.
Ayer usé una blusa nueva. Hoy usé la misma.
I wore a new blouse yesterday. I wore the same one today.
Mismo as an Adverb
When mismo is used as an adverb, it’s used to add emphasis to the action. It doesn’t always translate to “the same”. Let’s take a look at an example.
Necesito que vengas ahora mismo.
I need you to come right now.
¿Estás haciendo lo mismo?
You’re doing the same?
Mastering mismo in Spanish comes easily as you start to get familiarized with the different uses and how native speakers use it in common expressions.
Learn other common expressions by reading this entertaining list of 10 Ways to Say ‘Even Though’ in Spanish.
10 Ways To Use Mismo in Spanish
1. Mismo in Spanish as Identical
Mismo means identical when you use it to describe physical traits of a person, object, or place.
Necesito tres pedazos de tela del mismo tamaño.
I need three pieces of fabric of the identical sizes.
Tu carro es del mismo color que el mío.
Your car and mine are of the identical color.
2. Mismo in Spanish for Indifference
The word mismo is used in the phrase “dar lo mismo”. This common expression is used when you are indifferent or really don’t care about something. A similar expression would be “me da igual”.
Me da lo mismo si cocinas una pizza o una lasaña.
I really don’t care if you make a pizza or a lasagna.
Me da lo mismo si vienes o no.
I don’t care if you come or not.
3. Mismo in Spanish as Similar
The word mismo is used as the English word similar when there’s only subtle changes in a comparison. It applies mostly to when things are done de la misma manera (in a similar way).
Tienes la misma nariz que tu mamá.
You have the same nose as your mom.
Hablas de la misma manera que tu gemelo.
You talk the same way as your twin.
4. Mismo for Emphasis
Like I mentioned before, mismo in Spanish when used for emphasis works as an adverb or adjective.
Te dije que trajeras la misma, no otra.
I told you to bring the same, not another.
Aquí mismo podemos cenar, en este lugar.
We can eat right here, in this place.
5. Mismo in Spanish as in Self
Mismo, mismos, mismas and misma are used as myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, and pretty much every form of self. When used in this form, mismo follows unstressed pronouns. Here are some examples for you to see in practice.
No puedo hacerlo por mí misma.
I can’t do it myself.
Me estoy riendo de mí mismo.
I’m laughing at myself.
6. Mismo in Spanish as in Now
The word mismo translates to right away or right now when used in this form.
Necesito que vengas ahora mismo.
I need you to come right away.
Puedes salir de casa ahora mismo, no hay tráfico.
You can leave the house right now, there’s no traffic.
7. Mismo in Spanish for Agreement
The word mismo in this context is used to express agreement to an action or affirmation.
Yo pienso lo mismo que tú.
I think the same as you.
Creo lo mismo que mi mamá.
I believe the same as my mom.
8. Mismo in Spanish as a Connective
The common expression por lo mismo stands for “for this motive” in English. It’s used to link two sentences.
Mi casa es un desastre. Por lo mismo, necesito ayuda con la limpieza.
My house is a mess. For this reason, I need help with the cleaning.
Mi hija se distrae fácilmente. Por lo mismo, necesita una tutora.
My daughter gets easily distracted. For this reason, she needs a tutor.
9. Mismo in Spanish as Simultaneously
The word mismo is used in the expression al mismo tiempo (at the same time) to express actions taking place simultaneously.
Llegamos casi al mismo tiempo.
We got there almost at the same time.
¿Puedes hablar y escribir al mismo tiempo?
Can you talk and write at the same time?
10. Mismo in Spanish for Reputation
The word mismo in Spanish is used according to gender when you are acknowledging a person and their uniqueness. Some people even say el mismísimo to emphasize their reputation. This is mostly used in informal speech and works as an idiom.
¿Tu eres la mismísima Lucía? No tenía el gusto.
You are the one and only Lucía? I hadn’t had the pleasure.
Te presento al mismísimo Andrés, una excelente persona que aún no conoces.
Let me introduce you to the one and only Andres, a wonderful person you haven’t met yet
Expand your knowledge of idioms you can use in conversation with this fun list of 45 Ways to Say ‘To Take’ in Spanish.
El español nunca es el mismo
Spanish is never the same!
Spanish is one of the best languages you can learn to access better professional careers with attractive salaries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, opportunities for Spanish-speakers are expected to increase 46% by 2022.
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