Understanding Biomes and Habitats (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
With this guide to biomes and habitats in Spanish, your kids will enjoy a cool nature and Spanish lesson!
Take a look at the new vocabulary words and class activities that you can implement in your next lesson to make it a memorable one!
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What Are Biomes and Habitats?
Since the terms “biome” and “habitat” are not common in everyday conversation, let’s check out the differences!
Biome is a general term that defines an area with a specific climate that is home to a community of living things. Here are some vocabulary words to talk about biomes in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
biome | el bioma |
biosphere | la biósfrea |
biota | la biota |
biotic | biótico/a |
climate | el clima |
climate change | el cambio climático |
ecology | la ecología |
ecosystem | el ecosistema |
environment | el ambiente |
fauna | la fauna |
flora | la flora |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Un bioma es una comunidad de plantas y animales que viven en el mismo clima.
A biome is a community of plants and animals that live in the same climate.
Biota se refiere al grupo de organismos vivos de un área específica.
Biota refers to the group of living organisms of a specific area.
Un ecosistema es la interacción entre la biota y el ambiente.
An ecosystem is the interaction between biota and its environment.
La ecología estudia la relación entre organismos vivos y su entorno.
Ecology studies the relationship between living organisms and their surroundings.
Types of Biomes
Because biomes refer to the territory that is home to different types of animal and plant species, we divide them into two main categories. Check out these vocabulary words for types of biomes in Spanish!
Terrestrial Biomes
English | Spanish |
coniferous forest biomes | el bosque conífero |
deciduous forest biomes | el bosque caducifolio |
desert biomes | el desierto |
grassland biomes | la pradera |
tropical rainforest biomes | la selva tropical |
tropical wet forest biomes | el bosque tropical |
tundra biomes | la tundra |
PRO TIP: Use el bioma de before these vocabulary words. For example: El bioma de desierto.
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los biomas de tundra tienen inviernos largos.
Tundra biomes have long winters.
Los animales de la tundra tienen pelajes abundantes.
Tundra animals have abundant fur.
Los biomas de pradera están en todos los continentes excepto Antártica.
Grassland biomes are on every continent except Antarctica.
Encontramos biomas de bosques caducifolios en Norte América, Europa y Asia.
We find deciduous forest biomes in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Aquatic Biomes
Aquatic biomes have two classifications: freshwater and marine biomes. Check out this awesome list of words related to aquatic biomes in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
Arctic Ocean | el Océano Ártico |
Atlantic Ocean | el Océano Atlántico |
freshwater biome | el bioma de agua dulce |
Indian Ocean | el Océano Índico |
lake | el lago |
marine biome | el bioma marino |
Pacific Ocean | el Océano Pacífico |
river | el río |
stream | el arroyo |
pond | el estanque |
ocean | el océano |
salty seas | los mares salados |
See also: A Kid’s Guide to the Water Cycle in Spanish
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los biomas acuáticos varían según la profundidad del agua y la temperatura.
Aquatic biomes vary according to water depth and temperature.
Los océanos cubren más del 70% de la superficie de la Tierra.
Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface.
El océano se divide en cuatro regiones: Pacífico, Atlántico, Ártico e Índico.
The ocean is divided in four regions: Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian.
A habitat is specific to an animal species. It refers to the specific area with the proper conditions for an animal species to live and reproduce. Here are some useful words to talk about habitats in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
animal | el animal |
food | la comida |
habitat | el hábitat |
organism | el organismo |
shelter | el albergue |
space | el espacio |
survival | la sobrevivencia |
to reproduce | reproducirse |
water | el agua |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Un hábitat es el lugar donde un organismo vive.
A habitat is the place where an organism lives.
Los animales deben poder reproducirse en su hábitat.
Animals need to be able to reproduce in their habitat.
Un hábitat debe tener las condiciones para la sobrevivencia de un organismo.
A habitat needs to have the conditions for an organism’s survival.
Los componentes de un hábitat son albergue, agua, comida y espacio.
The components of a habitat are shelter, water, food, and space.
Types of Habitats
English | Spanish |
aquatic habitats | los hábitats acuáticos |
caves | las cuevas |
deserts | los desiertos |
grasslands | las praderas |
forests | los bosques |
rainforests | las selvas |
territory | el territorio |
tundra | la tundra |
valleys | los valles |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los valles se crean por la presencia de ríos y glaciares.
Valleys are created by the presence of rivers and glaciers.
Las cuevas se pueden formar en acantilados o en glaciares.
Caves can form in cliffs or glaciers.
Las praderas tienen abundante vegetación.
Grasslands have abundant vegetation.
Existen desiertos cálidos y desiertos fríos.
There are hot deserts and cold deserts.
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Describing Biomes and Habitats
So, a biome refers to a large area that houses living things that tolerate the same climate; a habitat is the area that a specific species lives in.
Therefore, there can be many habitats within a biome. With these vocabulary words, you can describe and discuss biomes and habitats in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
cold | frío/a |
damp | húmedo/a |
dry | seco/a |
hot | cálido/a |
high temperatures | las temperaturas altas |
low temperatures | las temperaturas bajas |
long days | los días largos |
precipitation | la precipitación |
rainfall | la lluvia |
range | el rango |
seasonality | la estacionalidad |
scarce | escaso/a |
short days | los días cortos |
sunlight | la luz del sol |
wet | húmedo/a |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las temperaturas en la tundra son bajas.
Temperatures in the tundra are low.
El rango de temperatura de los bosques tropicales es de 68°F – 93°F.
The temperature range of tropical wet forests is 68°F – 93°F.
Las praderas tienen pocos árboles por la baja precipitación anual.
Grasslands have few trees due to the low annual precipitation.
Nature Vocabulary
Here are some cool words to include in your lessons to talk about nature and the interaction of species within a biome!
English | Spanish |
cliff | el acantilado |
drought | la sequía |
food chain | la cadena alimenticia |
hunt | la cacería |
mud | el lodo |
oxygen | el oxígeno |
park | el parque |
plants | las plantas |
predator | el depredador |
prey | la presa |
soil | el suelo |
swamp | el pantano |
trees | los árboles |
to thrive | desenvolverse |
Hand-picked for you: A Kid’s Guide to the Amazon Rainforest in Spanish
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las plantas liberan oxígeno y absorben dióxido de carbono.
Plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
Los leones son depredadores que capturan a su presa para alimentarse.
Lions are predators that capture their prey to feed.
Los organismos necesitan el ambiente adecuado para desenvolverse.
Organisms need the appropriate environment to thrive.
Elements of a Memorable Lesson
Implement these activities in your lessons to become your kids’ favorite teacher!
For some kids, it’s easier to learn new vocabulary when they are seeing images associated with the topic. Check out these awesome videos that will make it easier to explain biomes and habitats in Spanish!
- Spanish Vocabulary | Nature (biomes)
- Spanish Vocabulary | Savannah animals
- Spanish Vocabulary | Desert animals
- Biomes of the World
Coloring Sheets
With fun worksheets for kids to identify the various vocabulary words seen here, they can have a great time while they learn new words and interesting facts about biomes and habitats in Spanish.
Identify the Habitat
Use prints of each biome to have your kids identify what habitat they are in Spanish!
Biomes and Habitats in Spanish – Resources
Prepare unforgettable lessons and enhance your kids’ reading habits with these illustrated books about biomes and habitats in Spanish!
- There’s an Ocean in My Backyard! (Biomas donde yo vivo: Vivo cerca de un océano)
- There’s a Desert in My Backyard! (Biomas donde yo vivo: Vivo cerca de un desierto)
- There’s a Swamp in My Backyard! (Biomas donde yo vivo: Vivo cerca de un pantano)
- There Are Grasslands in My Backyard! (Biomas donde yo vivo: Vivo cerca de una pradera)
- The Right Environment (El medio ambiente adecuado)
The Importance of Preserving Habitats
Preserving habitats means preserving our own life! Living in a balanced environment means all species benefit from others and thrive in the appropriate conditions.
While every habitat is important for preserving our planet, oceans are surely the ones that have the biggest impact on our well-being. Oceans help regulate the global climate. Because of climate change, our oceans are getting warmer. Warmer oceans threaten coral reefs and disrupt the food chain, therefore affecting biodiversity and wildlife balance.
Due to Earth’s population increasing, natural habitats for wildlife are decreasing. The less space species have to survive, the less they can fulfill their survival needs and reproduce.
Harmful human-led activities like deforestation cause erosion and loss of soil along with the loss of biodiversity. This can only lead to massive extinction and drastic changes in nature’s balance.
Habitat conservation is essential to guarantee our survival and a life with nature all around us.
Learn more about habitat conservation and make a change today!
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