The Definitive Vocabulary Guide: On the Farm in Spanish
La granja, or farm in Spanish, is one of the first topics that Spanish students (both native speakers and second language learners!) learn about. It’s a fun and easy way to practice useful Spanish vocabulary!
The farm is the perfect topic to learn new vocabulary, because you can learn about a variety of topics, like animals, plants, vegetables, fruits, and even machines!
Let’s Go to the Farm in Spanish!
Imagine this: You are planning a short vacation for your friends and family. You want everybody to have a great time and what a better place to spend a day off than in a farm? It has something for everyone! So now that you decided your destination, you want to invite everyone along with an exciting message:
¡Vamos a la granja!
Let’s go to the farm!
¡Vamos a la granjita!
Let’s go to the little farm!
Granjita sounds cuter and more kid-friendly. It means “little farm” and you can use it to refer to an actual little farm, or a place that looks like a farm, but is for kids. In some places, a pet zoo can also be called a granjita.
So now that you have a plan, you talk with el granjero (the farmer) to make a reservation.
Here is this section vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
La granja | Farm |
La granjita | Little farm/ a pet zoo |
El granjero / La granjera | Farmer |
Farm Animals in Spanish
Now that you know how to say farm in Spanish, it’s time to talk about the animals you’ll find there!
As you may know, farm animals have different sizes and purposes but most of them are animales domesticos (domestic animals) and that means that they are used to living with humans.
Here is a list with animals that you can find in a farm in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
El asno / el burro | Donkey |
La mula | Mule |
La gallina | Hen |
El pollo | Chicken |
El gallo | Rooster |
El cerdo | Pig |
El lechón | Piglet |
El caballo | Horse |
La yegua | Mare |
El potro | Foal |
El toro | Bull |
La vaca | Cow |
El becerro | Calf |
El carnero | Ram |
La oveja | Sheep |
El borrego | Lamb |
El pato/ La pata | Duck |
El patito | Duckling |
La cabra | Goat |
El gato/ La gata | Cat |
El gatito | Kitten |
El perro / La perra | Dog |
El perrito | Puppy |
El pajaro | Bird |
El conejo | Rabbit |
El ganso | Goose |
Los animales domésticos | Domestic animals |
Los animales de granja | Farm Animals |
Activities to Do on the Farm in Spanish
The activities on a farm are really diverse, and doing them involves humans, animals and even machines!
Here are some activities to do on the farm in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Dar de comer a los animales. | Feed the animals. |
Ordeñar a las vacas. | Milk the cows. |
Recoger los huevos de las gallinas. | Collect the eggs from the hens. |
Sembrar semillas. | Sow seeds. |
Recoger la cosecha. | Gather the crops. |
Limpiar los graneros. | Clean the barns. |
Aprender sobre los animales de granja. | Learn about farm animals. |
Acariciar a los animales. | Pet the animals. |
Cosechar frutas y verduras. | Harvest fruits and vegetables. |
Montar a caballo. | Ride horses. |
Arar la tierra. | Plow the land. |
Products from the Farm in Spanish
The variety of farms that exist and the products they create are truly inspiring. Some dedicate their focus to organic vegetables and fruits. Others raise animals and craft animal products, while others still dedicate themselves to raising only fish!
Because of this exciting variety, I’ve divided the following section into different kinds of products that you’ll find on certain farms in Spanish.
Fruits and Vegetables
These delicious, juicy products depend on a lot of elements, such as the weather, altitude, precipitation, quality of seed, and, of course, quality of care.
Here are some fruits you can find on the farm in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Las frutas | Fruits |
La manzana | Apple |
La pitaya | Pitaya/Dragon Fruit |
La naranja | Orange |
La carambola | Carambola |
La frambuesa | Raspberry |
La uva | Grape |
El banano / La banana | Banana |
La calabaza | Pumpkin |
La fresa | Strawberry |
La mora | Blackberry |
La mandarina | Tangerine |
El kiwi | Kiwi |
La papaya | Papaya |
La sandía | Watermelon |
El melón | Cantaloupe |
El melocotón / El durazno | Peach |
La piña | Pineapple |
El albaricoque | Apricot |
El mango | Mango |
El limón | Lemon |
And here are some vegetables you’ll find:
Spanish | English |
Las verduras / Los vegetales | Vegetables |
La zanahoria | Carrot |
La lechuga | Lettuce |
La espinaca | Spinach |
El tomate | Tomato |
La papa | Potato |
El repollo | Cabbage |
El brocoli | Broccoli |
El chile pimiento | Chilly Pepper |
La cebolla | Onion |
La rúcula / La arugula | Arugula |
La berengena | Eggplant |
El zucchini | Zucchini |
El rabano | Radish |
La remolacha | Beetroot |
La coliflor | Cauliflower |
El apio | Celery |
El pepino | Cucumber |
El güisquil / El chayote | Chayote |
El ajo | Garlic |
La yuca | Yucca |
Seeds and Grains
A huge part of the American Continent depends on different kinds of seeds and grains for survival, which is why we’ll focus on the most important farm products that help to sustain hundreds of communities and thousands of people.
Here is the list of grains you can find on farms in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Los granos | Grains |
Las semillas | Seeds |
Las semillas comestibles | Edible seeds |
El maíz | Corn |
El frijol | Beans |
El garbanzo | Chickpea |
La lenteja | Lentil |
El arroz | Rice |
La cebada | Barley |
La avena | Oatmeal |
El trigo | Wheat |
La quinoa | Quinoa |
El maní / La manía | Peanut |
La nuez | Nut/Wallnut |
La semilla de marañón / de anacardo | Cashew nut |
El haba | Fava Beans/ Beans |
La almendra | Almond |
El coco | Coconut |
El pistacho | Pistachio |
La macadamia | Macadamia |
El cacao | Cocoa bean |
El café | Coffee bean |
La vainilla | Vanilla |
Textile Plants
In some farms, the products grown are textile plants, or plants that are used to make fabric, threads, and even clothing!
Here is a list of just a few of them that we could find in a farm:
Spanish | English |
Las plantas textiles | Textile plants |
El algodón | Cotton |
El lino | Linen |
El yute | Jute |
El cáñamo | Hemp |
El mimbre | Wicker |
El bonote | Coir |
El ramio | Ramie |
El agave | Agave |
El esparto | Esparto |
Infrastructure, Machines and Tools
It’s amazing all you can grow on farms! And even more impressive is the ability to process, store and ship products all over the world, even items that exclusively grow in only one region!
How do farmers collect all these products? And where do they store it?
This next list is about infrastructure, tools, and machines you can find in some farms in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
La Infraestructura | Infrastructure |
El granero | Barn |
El tanque de agua | Water tank |
El pozo de agua | Water well |
El sistema de riego | Irrigation system |
El invernadero | Greenhouse |
El semillero | Nursery |
La cámara fría | The cold chamber |
La huerta | Orchard |
El pastizal | Pastureland |
La tierra arada | Plow land |
El campo | Field |
La valla | Fence |
El establo | Stable |
Las herramientas | Tools |
La pala | Shovel |
El pico | Pick axe |
El hacha | Axe |
El machete | Machete/Bowie Knife |
El rastrillo | Rake |
La regadera | Watering can |
La manguera | Hose |
La cubeta | Bucket |
Las máquinas | Machines |
El tractor | Tractor |
La máquina cosechadora | Harvester machine/ Combine |
La máquina de labranza | Tiller |
La asperjadora | Sprinkler |
La máquina abonadora | Fertilizer machine |
La sembradora | Seeder |
La cortadora | Mower |
Miscellaneous words: On the Farm in Spanish
Here is a short list of other farm-related words.
Spanish | English |
El espantapájaros | Scarecrow |
El estanque | Pond |
La herradura | Horseshoe |
El charco de barro | Mud pond |
El huevo | Egg |
La leche | Milk |
La carne | Meat |
La lana | Wool |
El heno | Hay |
La veleta de viento | Wind Vane |
¡Hablemos de la granja!
Let’s talk about the farm in Spanish! Be one of the more than 24,000 students that form part of our classes every month. That’s a lot of people to talk about farms! We offer flexible scheduling, tailored Spanish packages, and high school Spanish credit with transcripts, so sign-up for a free, 1-on-1 Spanish Class with a certified native spanish speaker teacher! You won’t be disappointed!
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